Have you heard of a Mummy MOT?

Hello! Welcome to this blog post. So this is following on from our previous 'What is a Mummy MOT Postnatal Physio Appointment' blog, this time sharing more about why we are so passionate about offering this service

When we are pregnant, we spend a lot of time preparing for the birth - social media/society has put a huge emphasis on the importance of this part of the childbearing process, but then as soon as the baby arrives, it has almost become common acceptance that there is no ongoing support. We are left to our own devices & to be honest, for those who aren’t exposed to services like ours, the awareness of what we can do to take care of ourselves is simply not as readily promoted as hypnobirthing, the latest buggy or sleep training trend… the emphasis is very much shifted onto the baby & you are suddenly expected to find this magical energy to support another human, whilst compromised & depleted. So many people resign themselves to this new self, that acceptance/resignation that how our body is now is simply a result of the process - be that the aesthetic, the strength or even issues with scars, tears or continence

I really hope we can change this in the future. People are starting to share their journey’s more on social media, however, often just acknowledging that they’re struggling & not knowing that there is help out there, that it is never too late, that we don’t need to suffer in silence & you are very much not alone in your symptoms

Our postnatal appointment, a ‘Mummy MOT’ is offered from around 6-8 weeks (usually post GP check). This appointment is designed to go through several areas:

  • Full postural assessment

  • Diastasis Recti (tummy gap) assessment

  • Pelvic Floor assessment

  • Screening for bladder/bowel dysfunction

  • Internal vaginal assessment (as indicated)

  • C-Section scar assessment (as indicated)

The aim of this appointment is to help identify areas we can support you with to improve you quality of life, physical & mental wellbeing. Often it is the first opportunity to really talk to someone about this life-changing experience & we make sure we have plenty of time to discuss any areas of concern with you

Following the appointment we will provide you with a summary of findings, including some homework to be doing & ongoing advice to help optimise your rehabilitation. Often we will see you again to progress you further & support you in getting back to specific sports, hobbies or lifestyle interested

The appointment is carried out by a fully qualified Chartered Physiotherapist in our private relaxing clinic.

If you are local to Devon & would like to find out more, or to book a post natal Mummy MOT physiotherapy appointment, please get in touch, or visit our Pelvic Health page for more details. If you are not based around Torquay (Torbay), South Devon then you can find your local Mummy MOT Physiotherapist here

We look forward to welcoming you!



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