Have We Forgotten How Healthy Feels?

Since lockdown I have had so many people tell me they keep meaning to come to class, but… life. It was like the grand reboot that nobody asked for. In some ways it helped us strip back, but in others, it meant we lost that skeleton of structure we had created to support our wellbeing. I wrote more on this on my last blog about Motivation, but where before the fact we knew we were going to Pilates at 7pm because that’s what we do meant you showed up, when society reopened & we were forced on the backfoot by being kept shut, that 7pm slot was quickly replaced with other time-demanding priorities which suddenly stole the tame for you

With that comes this distance from what it felt like to take a class, that creeping acceptance of a stiff back or aching neck at the end of the day, resignation of feeling tired from a long day in the office or just missing that spark. We became busy again & somehow the self-care got sidelined at the very time we perhaps need it most

Mental wellbeing challenges seem at an all time high, I don’t think any of us have truly processed the last few years (I mean, we weren’t allowed to leave our house, hug our family or go to a class)

But I think half the problem is, maybe we have forgotten what healthy feels like? Maybe we have just got used to feeling a bit stiff, tired, stressed & disconnected. Maybe that feeling after a class, run or little workout has been buried - that warm glow, that sense of connection, strength & mood-boosting endorphins

Feeling healthy, truly well from within often means we don’t seek those tell-tale ‘quick fixes’, the internet shopping splurge of a new foundation, the buzz of a new pair of jeans. We don’t feel the need to seek to improve the outside as much because feeling well from the inside shines through, the energy that grows with movement & nourishment, the shine of the hair, the glow of the skin… these natural results of taking care that we can (to an extent) buy a mask for with products & purchasing, meaning we can loose sight of the true sense of feeling healthy

My mission is to guide us gently back, keep showing up with what we offer at the studio, being there in as many ways as possible to support as many of you as possible, from workshops to courses, classes to events… My aim is to help you reconnect with that feeling of healthy & allow it to find its way back into our routines

If you’d like to find out more about what we have on at the studio, head to our Events page or find out more about our weekly classes on the Studio page

Love Katie


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