Meet you at the Barre

What is Barre?

You may have heard about barre but what actually is it and why should you be doing it? Barre swept the globe like a new fashion trend back in the 1950's. YES! You heard that right. Barre actually originated in London, in 1959 and was created by ex German ballet dancer Lotte Berk. Lotte suffered a back injury when working with a student and saught guidance from an osteopath to help rehabilitate her spine

It was during this time that she began to work with weights during rehab to help improve her functional strength. Lotte saw an opportunity to combine her new knowledge of yoga, rehabilitation & strength training with her years of ballet dancing to create what we now know as barre fitness

"It is true that everything worthwhile in life is worth working hard for, and surely it is worth a little hard work to achieve a body that works well, a body full of vitality that makes you feel happy to be alive." - Lottie Berk

Why Barre?

  • Barre offers a low impact yet high intensity workout that makes people feel good. It works your body in a unique way without putting a lot of impact on your joints

  • A whole body workout that enables you to build muscle, improve your cardiovascular health & strengthen ligaments & tendons

  • The rhythmical/repetition of barre also supports healthy brain function as it keeps our focus & attention

  • Most barre classes utilise the beat of the music as the underlying rhythm of the class which helps create a beautiful sense of unity.

  • Barre classes are often found in smaller gyms or independent fitness studios which helps to create a community environment

  • Suitable for beginners & those who might want to vary the level of effort each week

People in today's society want more than just a workout, they want a invigorating experience that lifts them up physically & mentally, while allowing them to socialize with others & feel empowered by being around likeminded people, taking care of their body & mind & feeling supported in showing up consistently

So if you haven't taken a Barre class yet, then what are you waiting for?

Get booked in and come and meet me at the barre!

Meg x

You can catch Meg for Barre at Flow Studio Monday's 9.30am & Tuesdays 6pm. Check out her Instagram here too


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