5 Ways Rituals Help Create Consistent Habits

Our lives are full of rituals, some conscious & obvious, some become more automatic. I guess there is also a bit of a blurred line between ritual & systems. Having systems in place to support reducing friction of positive habits & living by your values & rituals are those conscious little touches that enable us to make moments feel more mindful & special

Rituals can be powerful tools for creating and maintaining consistent habits. I wanted to share 5 ways that we can invite the art of rituals into our day to support a version of a day we feel reflects us, our values & our goals

  1. Create an environment

    If you keep meaning to do some yoga at home, but your floor is cluttered, you know as soon as you shove everything in a cupboard & roll out a mat, you’ll still see the dust on the skirting boards & the floor needs a hoover… Take the time to create an environment that will make it easy for you to want to move. If theres lots of little moments of friction between you & a movement practice, the chances are it wont take much for it to not happen. For me, having my mat rolled up by where I want to do my yoga. I have a bottle of Wild Rising Rose water that I spritz on my face & mat because it feels special. I have a lamp that has just the right light & I know that little corner of my bedroom ticks a lot of boxes in me achieving my goal of movement. For you it might be lighting a candle, putting on special clothing or getting out you favourite blanket

  2. Boundary time

    Nobody is going to come & say, “hey you literally have nothing else to do right now but do some yoga/workout”. We have got used to incorporating eating, brushing our teeth, washing etc… into our skeleton of our days, so seeing a version of healthy, purposeful movement deserves to be built into this in the same way. By scheduling movement in a conscious way can support you in maintaining a boundary around that time, whether booking a class, committing to a friend or simply putting it in your diary

  3. Keep it simple & consistent

    Don’t give yourself unrealistic expectations of an hour-long window of time, or trying to do it every day. Find something that feels realistic, maybe 20 minutes, 3 times a week for example. Get into the habit of creating a little ritual around this time, maybe putting on your favourite clothing, grabbing a glass of water… using simple rituals that help prepare us for a habit we want to create can help the brain start to recognise these as part of our routine. Rituals encourage consistency by making the habit a non-negotiable part of your routine. When something becomes a ritual, it's less likely to be skipped or forgotten. It becomes a natural part of your day, which is key for habit development. Following a video can really help take away the need to ‘think’ about one more thing. We created a weekly timetable for Flow Connected to offer you a balanced week of classes, from yoga to Pilates, barre to meditation, helping you keep it simple and consistent

  4. Motivation and Mindset

    Similar to point 3 with consistency, rituals can help you get into the right mindset for a habit. For example, a pre-workout ritual that includes putting on comfortable clothes and listening to motivating music can boost your motivation and prepare your mind for exercise. Rituals create a mental link between the behavior and the desired outcome

  5. Predictability & Cue for Action

    Rituals offer a sense of predictability and routine. When you perform a specific set of actions at a particular time or in a particular context, it creates a structured environment that encourages habit formation. The predictability of a ritual can make it easier to follow through with your intended habit. Rituals provide a clear and consistent cue for action. When you have a specific ritual associated with a habit, your brain associates that ritual with the behavior, making it easier to remember and initiate. For example, having a morning ritual that includes stretching and meditation can cue you to start your day with those activities

    Incorporating rituals into your daily or weekly routine can greatly assist in habit formation and maintenance. However, it's important to choose rituals that align with your goals and the habits you want to establish. Consistency in practicing these rituals will reinforce the habits you're trying to develop, making them a natural and integral part of your life. So take a moment to look at the habits you want to create & see if you create rituals that mean achieving getting started is seamless, enjoyable & realistic


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