It’s never too late to reconnect…

post natal physio appointment mummy mot

We have had quite a lot of enquiries lately for post natal physio from mother’s who have had their baby month’s/years before. It is great to see having this support on people’s radars, but it’s a shame that it takes so long sometimes for us to know help is available but also what is and isn’t ‘normal’.

I have mentioned before about how the advice & support seems to just drop off a cliff as soon as a baby is born & yet its probably the time we are at our most vulnerable, with the least time available, meaning often things are depriorised, assumed to get better with time or simply accepted as part of the journey.

I really want to help be part of changing this. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, however your baby was birthed, your body goes through huge changes. There are so many ways in which you can experience changes, meaning you can really struggle to feel… you. This makes it hard, as there is so much going on mentally & physically, being supported in seeing the wood for the trees can make a huge difference in starting to feel a sense of self, which is so important in our wellbeing.

From the aesthetic of our body, to the ‘lack of core’, the weakness to the ‘tummy gap’ & from the pelvic floor to the back ache, we will all be affected differently. At Flow our aim is to work out where your priorities lie, listen to your concerns, questions (no question is a silly question!) & work out where you (we) can start.

This might be 6 weeks post natally, it might be before you’ve even had your little one, but it might also be 10 years following & you still have unanswered questions & want support in reconnect with your body & feeling supporting in building strength, flexibility & kindness to yourself.

You can read more about what our Post Natal Mummy MOT involves in this blog, or on the Flow website or please do get in touch if you would like to discuss anything with us

I hope you found this blog reassuring if you’re wondering whether it’s too late to make changes to support your post natal health, it truly isn’t

Love Katie


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