The Art of Making the Bed


As a mother to very small people, the good old social media algorithm means I frequently see posts on how you can’t have a tidy house & babies or that now isn’t the time to prioritise tidying up. The problem is, I don’t really agree with these statements. It’s not that your home should be tidy, it’s more about how making small changes to your tidying can have a huge impact on your day. Let’s dive in.

The Art of Making the Bed

Generally speaking, you’re either someone who values making the bed, or someone who does it because they feel they should. Admittedly there’s a third person who doesn’t bother & you do you ladies & gents.

The physical task of making the bed probably takes 20-30 seconds (maybe a minute if you plump your cushions on your bed for a more Instagram worthy visual - sadly I don’t anymore as I have an anxious spaniel who eats cushions). To someone who values making the bed, the mental load of not making it isn’t worth the time it takes to make it, its a figurative cushion of ‘to do’ held in your mind whilst you go about your day. To someone who does it because they feel they should, doing it can have a small but mighty impact on the rest of your day…

So why make the bed?

Well, simple really. It’s a task you are exposed to every day, first thing in the morning. It’s an opportunity for you to vote for behaviours & habits that support a version of you that you value. Choosing to care for your environment, to reduce the mental load, to see the space you are in and reduce clutter & motivate you to committing to those small, consistent tasks that add up.

It’s not just about making the bed. Once you’ve made the bed, that shift in mindset, priorities & values can have a huge impact on your next actions that can build some great sustainable habits for a healthier lifestyle.

For example, you make the bed & then decide to put a load of washing on quickly as you’ve been putting it off but you’ve sparked a moment of motivation, you then choose to put away another load & reduce the mental load there too. You then trigger a memory to prepare your lunch/supper to reduce eating out costs, improve your nutritional intake & free up time later. You may then think, ‘hey I’ll do 5 minutes of yoga, breathing, start jumps whilst waiting for the kettle to boil or pasta to cook’, then decide to drink a glass of water rather than grab another coffee. You feel better, so you reach out to a friend to say hi & check in. Or you step outside and take a moment to soak in nature or welcome glimmers…

Each positive action can trigger another one & get the ball rolling towards a day that supports where you want to be & how you want to live. It’s a similar concept to my blog on whether yoga/Pilates is good for weight loss; its not so much about that moment, but what you’re creating because of that moment that has the biggest potential impact for growth & change

Now of course this may not be realistic every day, but generally, starting the day with a conscious vote of positivity can hugely impact further actions in your day. So it may only take 20-30 seconds to make the bed, but the possible change in trajectory of your day can be huge. I talk more about habits & votes in another blog, but it really is a fascinating, digestible subject. And whilst you’re there you may also enjoy our little PDF on 5 Habits to Help You Feel Better

So go on, commit to making the bed this week, see where it takes you & let me know!

Love Katie


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