Mindfulness Meditation

Our next Mindfulness session:

Mindfulness Daylong Saturday 2nd March 10am - 4pm

Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally

John Kabat-Zinn

Meditation has become more & more popular in recent years, with good reason, but sometimes it can feel hard to know where to start, what to feel or how to ‘do it’. These meditations are designed to offer you a variety of ways to connect with yourself, the present moment & offer the sense of space, calm & clarity. We share a selection of meditations here for you, or you can access our full library by signing up to Flow, Connected & accessing the full library via Instabook.

Present Breath

A meditation to help support bringing you to the present moment through awareness of your breathing

Wellbeing Meditation

This meditation is to introduce the practice of mindfulness in a way that feels relaxed, manageable & calm

3 Questions Meditation

A meditation that guides you through the practice of reflecting on 3 questions, allowing your mind to sit with whatever thoughts come up in a non-judgemental way

Leaves on a Stream

This meditation is a lovely tool to help keep focus on the present through visualisation & the practice of letting go

Body Scan

This practice is a favourite for observing your body, bringing ease & presence through awareness & breath

3 Minute Breathing Space

A short practice to help find the space in the moment, often supporting choosing a response over a reaction & finding a sense of clarity